Leslie Gregory is a certified Physician Assistant living in Portland, Oregon. She is a navy veteran and mother of two, and a longtime social justice activist. She is the founder of Right to Health US, a national campaign asserting that racism meets the government’s official criteria to be declared as a threat to public health. Leslie writes and conducts research on the health impacts of racism for ALL Americans through a clinical and public health lens. You can sign her MoveOn petition to the federal government HERE.

On March 28, 2018, Leslie Gregory was interviewed by Stephanie Potter and Paul Cienfuegos on Stephanie’s monthly radio show ‘The Recovery Zone‘ on KBOO-FM in Portland, Oregon. You can listen to (or download) the entire hour-long interview HERE.

In the interview, Paul asks Leslie to consider that her campaign might also be focused locally as a city or county-wide Community Rights ballot initiative that demands similar local government commitments, and she responds positively to this idea.