This document is from the Lincoln County, Oregon, Community Rights campaign’s official response to the propaganda circulating against their proposed ordinance, titled “Freedom of Lincoln County from Aerially-Sprayed Pesticides”, that will be on the county ballot on May 16th.

The ordinance will:

  1. Ban aircraft application of pesticides on clearcut forest land in Lincoln County.
  2. Protect our right to choose clean drinking water.
  3. Relieve our families and properties, wildlife and watershed from pesticide drift.
  4. Allow spray by backpack or tractor for farm, home, or fishing boat applications.
  5. Establish a local bill of rights to enable people to make important decisions about what happens in our community.
  6. Affirm and protect our rights to safety guaranteed to us under the Oregon State Constitution Article 1.
  7. Safeguard our wildlife from Atrazine and 2,4-D

Here’s the CR group’s response to the ongoing misinformation campaign:

1) That our definition of “aerial” is so broad that it even bans pesticide application methods pulled by a tractor.

FALSE: The term “aerial method” in Measure 21-177 means from/by air which could be by helicopter, plane, or drone. Even the Oregon Department of Agriculture is clear that aerial means by air:

2) That family farms would be the most affected by this ban.

FALSE: It affects large out of state corporations that are poisoning our water in the Siletz gorge.

3) That our ordinance is a justification for Direct Action which according to the opposition could be violent.

FALSE: Think Susan B Anthony. Think lunch counter sit-ins. Think women voting when it was legal to deny women that right.


And you can view the campaign’s website HERE.