The following Letter to the Editor was in direct response to the Bradford, Pennsylvania newspaper’s local news story titled “Highland Township’s Home Rule Charter Stripped by Court“.

Highland Township’s home rule charter that bans corporations from contaminating the public water supply may very well be “controversial” (according to this newspaper), but what is clearly much MORE controversial is OUR government telling We the People that in fact we don’t have the constitutional authority to protect our communities’ health, safety and welfare, even though the Pennsylvania State Constitution is quite clear about such things:

Article 1: Declaration of Rights.
Political powers. All power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority and instituted for their peace, safety and happiness. For the advancement of these ends they have at all times an inalienable and indefeasible right to alter, reform or abolish their government in such manner as they may think proper.

When the federal so-called “Safe Drinking Water Act” legalizes the very corporate activities that are guaranteed to poison local water systems, and when the Pennsylvania Department of (so-called) Environmental Protection was one of the parties challenging the township’s legal authority to protect its own water supply, perhaps it’s time for The People to fulfill our Constitutional authority and duty to “alter” or “reform” our government so that common sense can be restored in Pennsylvania.

And perhaps the first step in that journey is for Highland Township residents to rise up as one and inform the federal court that they will directly enforce their ordinance, through nonviolent direct action if necessary. If State College, Pennsylvania residents can do it, so can you.

Paul Cienfuegos
Co-Director, Lead Trainer, Founder
Community Rights US
Portland, Oregon