Growing numbers of communities in the U.S. are responding to Donald Trump’s attack on “undocumented” human beings by seeking to offer sanctuary to those being targeted.

These communities recognize that the Declaration of Independence asserts we are all born equal and with certain unalienable rights. They understand the Declaration was written prior to the creation of the U.S. They realize this founding document was making the case that unalienable rights exist in all of us, just by virtue of being born, and that we create governments like the United States “to secure these rights.”

Below is a draft Sanctuary City law. The ordinance is rights-based, reaffirming and securing fundamental civil rights, prohibiting government profiling, targeting, discrimination, or deportation based solely on perceived or actual immigration status and religious belief. Contact CELDF to see how we may be able to partner with you and your community at

To review this groundbreaking rights-based draft Sanctuary City Law, click HERE.